Monday, October 1, 2012

Poetry In Motion

To fake a smile...

Lanes for people, high-tech gadgets disrupt reality,

No need to wonder, nor to feel...

And faking life is life itself.

No light shines through our spirit numbing curtains,

For no one needs to know what waits outside,

With empty souls and hollow staring eyes,

We climb the stairs of life

But keeping still...

The stair itself is moving,

But we're not.

We stand, and watch...

And wait for it to pass.

When you are dead, you're so afraid of life,

If you're alive, then all you wish is death...

The midgets standing tall amidst the crowd,

As giants crumble down

Without a sound...


      ...the point of infinite change… Life changer to some, life ender to others… The event that will eventually occur whether you expect it or not, regardless of your own expectations whatsoever… The strange attractor in our fractional dimension lifeline… The one that comes, like a thief in the night… The one event that will catch you offhand no matter what, regardless of how well you have (or have been) trained over the years, regardless of any previous experience… The one thing that overwhelms your logic, just by being new… The one that mocks any rules of organization just by being so unashamedly simple in its representation. The one that makes chaos cringe with embarrassment with its beyond reason complexity… The one that passes beyond, and further, yet remains… You'll know it when it comes, just like your first orgasm, the ender of pure happiness… But only once… Don't wait for it to happen! It's just like waiting for a star to die… Once in an eternity, it happens… The pattern is renewed again, forevermore… The dream is over… A dream has just begun…