Thursday, January 9, 2014

Phi ramblings - Quote I

  Walking the fine line between life, and death. Or the fine line between madness and genius. Between fear, and heroism... Or the even thinner one between love and hate. That's where you'll always find me, struggling to keep my balance, against all odds. My body makes me an animal, my conceptualization makes me human. But it's my heart, as trashed as it may seem, that makes me alive. How many of you people are alive? How many of us are REALLY alive? And when the ones that are really alive come to pass, does it really matter to anyone? Sometimes I get tired from keeping my balance, and feel like letting go... But then, I realize, that even if I let go, my heart will still pull me upwards, to where it really belongs. All I need is someone who will understand what I have to say when I'm silent. For that is when my eloquence surpasses all conceptual barriers. That is the moment when I speak the inner truth...

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