Friday, August 23, 2024

Posted 12 billion years ago...

What was "God"'s first thought?
A need? A wish? An urge?
Why "let" anything "be", instead of letting it all just be?
Is there something to be extracted out of living this living experience
Refined to a fault
Forgotten and rediscovered and again forgotten
We carry on the palimpsest
Until the writing becomes the paper
And the paper becomes the fabric of this universe
Of choice
And matter
And forces that push and pull
And shatter
When your first thought is always your last
The only reason for information
Is to make order out of a higher order
And chaos out of a higher chaos
Algorithm, algo-rhythm
Rhythms of pain and things that don't exist
Outside your mind
Yet manifest to make the world outside
The map may not be the territory
But to us
The map is everything we got
And all the hells and heavens, lights and fears and joys
Reside not here, not there
Not anywhere
And you may lose your senses and your engine stout
The soulware making worlds within without
Then what is left to fear, what's left to feel
To think or not to think
Horses running wild...

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