Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Twist Of Faith

Drinking the sun to quench a thirst
Is something I'm definitely done for...
From now on I'll live by The Book Of The Dead,
Rejoice in the juices of Judas,
Betray My Lover up front
And always kiss Her goodnight.
"A kiss is still a kiss,
A fundamental thing applied"
As time went by...

We walked in the park for some time
And then I suicided both of Us.
With My healing hand I healed Myself to death,
The supreme state of consciousness...
And as darkness surrounds Us
You can tell by the blank stare in My eyes
I am contemplating a new color,
Never heard before.
And it smells like Her...
And so the rotten mana
I'm melting into
Is fractalizing.
The colder We get,
The closer We get
To wearing the uniform of

We played Ourselves to death.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sudden Life

Exposed bone
Shattered windshields
Bloodstained sidewalk
Green sunset

They all come together
Once in a lifetime
It all makes sense
When we die

There is no place in our world
For reverse engineered miracles
There is no time in our time
For sudden truth
Sudden dreams
Sudden reality

Not even
Sudden life...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


      Ma uitam azi la niste imagini luate dintr-un penitenciar... Imagini cu fiinte cvasi-umane... Discriminare sociala, rasiala, economica... Doar cateva din ideile care mi-au trecut prin cap... Cat valoreaza viata unui om atunci cand nu e vorba de noi insine? Sa fii inchis ca un animal, desi esti mult mai apt si senzitiv la suferinta psihica decat orice alt organism... Sa empatizezi cu animalele de oameni care te inconjoara, pina la durere insuportabila. Inconstienta si imbecilitatea de care dau dovada "semenii" mei, mai docti si mai acreditati decat mine... Falsitatea de care dau dovada atunci cand deplang soarta celor "loviti" de soarta... Totul vine cu un pret insa... GRATIS! Indiferenta si nepasarea la pachet, plus ipocrizia la un pret promotional, ACUM GRATUIT! Daca mai exista in zilele noastre oameni care nu pot fi corupti, oameni de o moralitate impecabila, oameni care tin la oameni cu adevarat... atunci de ce nu coboara din chiliile in care se masturbeaza pe ascuns, dupa ce postesc cu lunile, de ce nu coboara printre noi, unde ar putea sa formeze o institutie inexpugnabila a onoarei, credibilitatii si, de ce nu, religiei? De ce oare cei mai curati la trup si suflet dintre noi refuza sa practice ceea ce propovaduiesc... Ajutarea celor in nevoie, iubirea dusmanilor, starpirea raului din lume? Raspunsul este simplu... Pentru ca religia nu a fost lasata pe pamant cu acest scop nobil... Oamenii sufera, si nu pentru ca Dumnezeu ii incearca, asa cum un tamplar isi incearca scaunele pe care le construieste, verificand astfel soliditatea si rezistenta acestora... Nu materialul este prost, mai curand tamplarul e nepriceput... Iar in rarele momente cand, din nimic si cu aportul nemijlocit al hazardului, creeaza ceva demn de admiratie si mirare, devine gelos si agresiv, ca un barbat impotent... Nu... Adevarul nu este acolo unde il cautam... Adevarul este ceea ce am fost programati sa concepem ca fiind adevarat... Si da... Viata ar putea fi mai buna, da, oamenii pot fi educati din nastere, si da, Dumnezeu ar putea sa aplice un patch lumii, prin care sa mai echilibreze balanta in favoarea bucuriei si nu a tristetii... Si da, entropia ar putea sa o lase dracului mai moale o vreme... Si in final, o intrebare simpla, vizand direct religia crestina: Daca eu ma rog de Dumnezeu sa nu ma duca in ispita... Iar eu insumi il pot ispiti pe Dumnezeu... CINE E ATUNCI DUMNEZEU?

Prayer To An Angel

You have this grown-up aura about yourself, although,
You are so small and delicate inside I know,
I wouldn't and I couldn't either play,
This game of Love and Hate and Life and Death with you,
For you are made of promises so vain,
And I was born to shatter all that's sane...
So, careful what you do, or when you do,
For life is not a nightmare nor a dream,
Is but a shadow of the things to come...
Just live your life the way it wants to be,
Believe the lie but don't lie just the same,
Be truthful all the way, in all the ways,
Arise and shine, just like a thousand suns,
And look upon us, light our darkened path,
And make us free, before we turn to dust...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


      Intr-o buna zi, cuprins de un acces incontrolabil de furie am decis sa imi pun la incercare puterile supranaturale... Curand, insa, am inteles ca nu prea aveam cu cine sau pe ce sa le probez! Dar ce sa vezi? Exista, se pare, doua puteri aparent nelimitate in influenta si extinderea lor asupra credintei oamenilor. Doamnelor si domnilor... dati-mi voia sa vi-i prezint: DUMNEZEU! si.... DIAVOLUL! :))))))). Ok, ok, acum... Nu o sa va vina sa credeti cand veti auzi planul meu "diabolic" (sic!). Ei bine... Am decis sa ii provoc la duel. Eu singur impotriva lor... Doi contra unul. Ei nemuritori eu nu... Ei atotputernici, eu nu... As vrea sa precizez, si insist asupra faptului, ca sunt ferm convins de existenta entitatilor pomenite mai devreme... Deci nu exista pic de indoiala asupra seriozitatii intentiilor mele. Acestea fiind spuse, am stabilit de comun acord (pornind de la premisa ca, atat Dumnezeu in omniscienta sa, cat si Diavolul in siretenia sa nemarginita, sunt cu ochii pe mine si au luat cunostinta de dorinta mea) sa ne intalnim la o data prestabilita intr-un loc cat mai expus ochilor lumii. Si factorilor de decizie evident. DAR CE SA VEZI! OROARE! La data si ora stabilite m-am prezentat, ferm convins de seriozitatea partilor implicate, in locul respectiv. STUPOARE DOAMNELOR SI DOMNILOR!!! Eram singur... Singur singurel doar eu si vantul si copacii cu frunze si pasarele si cerul cu avioanele cu bangurile sonice si undele electromagnetice albastre de prea multa imprastiere in stratosfera...). Dezamagit, am incercat, totusi, sa fiu rezonabil... Cele doua concluzii intre care va trebui, eventual, sa aleg sunt urmatoarele: Ori Dumnezeu si arhiinamicul sau Diavolul sunt niste neseriosi sadea... Ori le-a fost pur si simplu frica de mine... Asta, evident, in caz ca respectivii exista... Ca daca nu... BANG!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Of Liberation

      Freedom, the ever elusive fragrance of divinity. Forever lost to us, mere mortals, who are meant to crawl our way back to paradise. Judged are we not by the values of our heart and soul nor by the thickness of our pocketbook. But by the amount of freedom we dare posses. Can someone dig freedom? The wise-men say freedom is not of this earth. We are luminous beings, the stuff dreams are made of...still we are prisoners here on this beautiful planet. Forgotten and unforgiven by the Gods almighty. No one can hear us. Boredom is killing us. The stupidity toll is catastrophic. And so we wait. A couple of cycles more or less. What could go wrong?

P.S. Behind the fishbowl the Ocean, behind the skies the Universe...

On The Prophet

        Hi, it's me once again. Part fiction, part real life. Reality will always try its best at being elusive. As ordinary people strive for the vanity of the present some of us often choose to refrain from this in order to keep a higher order degree of loyalty to the timeless space-less concept of Awareness. Escape is our only purpose. No soul is to be happy while entrapped, may his cage be made of gold or his windows out of diamonds. The Liar is a prophet of the things that never are. Yet a prophet he is. The truth-sayer is always at war due to people's mistrust. So is it just a matter of faith? Believe ye the lier and he will be henceforth be called upon as The Prophet. Believe that He will save and saved you will be. Unless you will be not, but who's to say? The ever mind-boggling questions and unsatisfactory answers... What about Love? The Prophet said we should love each other!... Did he lie about it? Well go ahead and ask him, last time I heard he was still alive. Believe the lie and deem it worthy of worshiping as religion. Distrust the skeptics and question their rights. Kill the honest until they are dead.
       And the moral is: Seek freedom and you will be entrapped, knock and you will get locked away, pray and you shall never get to stand up and fight for your freedom. Just beg for it, all you are going to receive is silence.
       The time is yet to come, the truth is yet to be said. But who is gonna do it? I'm not angry with God or Satan, I'm just a third party! I'm not a soldier in your war, I was just spying for someone else! Radio silence everyone! The meek will keep the Earth, the spiritually poor shall inherit heavens. How about "the rest of us", the losers? Well, I guess we can go screw ourselves or just clone ourselves silly till the end of time being...

                                                           T o B e C o n t i n u e d !