Saturday, November 8, 2008

On The Prophet

        Hi, it's me once again. Part fiction, part real life. Reality will always try its best at being elusive. As ordinary people strive for the vanity of the present some of us often choose to refrain from this in order to keep a higher order degree of loyalty to the timeless space-less concept of Awareness. Escape is our only purpose. No soul is to be happy while entrapped, may his cage be made of gold or his windows out of diamonds. The Liar is a prophet of the things that never are. Yet a prophet he is. The truth-sayer is always at war due to people's mistrust. So is it just a matter of faith? Believe ye the lier and he will be henceforth be called upon as The Prophet. Believe that He will save and saved you will be. Unless you will be not, but who's to say? The ever mind-boggling questions and unsatisfactory answers... What about Love? The Prophet said we should love each other!... Did he lie about it? Well go ahead and ask him, last time I heard he was still alive. Believe the lie and deem it worthy of worshiping as religion. Distrust the skeptics and question their rights. Kill the honest until they are dead.
       And the moral is: Seek freedom and you will be entrapped, knock and you will get locked away, pray and you shall never get to stand up and fight for your freedom. Just beg for it, all you are going to receive is silence.
       The time is yet to come, the truth is yet to be said. But who is gonna do it? I'm not angry with God or Satan, I'm just a third party! I'm not a soldier in your war, I was just spying for someone else! Radio silence everyone! The meek will keep the Earth, the spiritually poor shall inherit heavens. How about "the rest of us", the losers? Well, I guess we can go screw ourselves or just clone ourselves silly till the end of time being...

                                                           T o B e C o n t i n u e d !

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