Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prayer To An Angel

You have this grown-up aura about yourself, although,
You are so small and delicate inside I know,
I wouldn't and I couldn't either play,
This game of Love and Hate and Life and Death with you,
For you are made of promises so vain,
And I was born to shatter all that's sane...
So, careful what you do, or when you do,
For life is not a nightmare nor a dream,
Is but a shadow of the things to come...
Just live your life the way it wants to be,
Believe the lie but don't lie just the same,
Be truthful all the way, in all the ways,
Arise and shine, just like a thousand suns,
And look upon us, light our darkened path,
And make us free, before we turn to dust...

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